University of Florida word mark

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I dispute my invoice?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Financial Section.  View the Invoice, select the “Dispute this Invoice” link, select the category and type in your explanation.

What are chartfields?

Chartfields are the accounting codes in Peoplesoft. We need these so we can be paid for our services. Login to your myACS account.  Go to the Financial section, select Manage Chartfields and enter them there.

When does per diem start being billed?

The per diem starts on the effective date of the cage card.

Where do I find copies of my ACS invoices?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Financial Section. Per Diem invoices start with “ACS”; Animal Order invoices start with “AO”, Breeding Invoices start with “BR” and Special Services invoices start with “SS”.

How do I split payment for one invoice?

Send an email to: with the invoice number and how you want the lines split.

Cage Cards

I just checked out a cage card and I’m not sure if it got checked out. How can I verify the card has been checked out?

Login to your myACS account. On your myACS Home Page scroll down to the Census Section, select “View Cages Checked out this Month” and you will see all of the cards checked out during the current month.

I need to get the cage card history on a cage card I checked out 6 months ago. Where do I find this?

Login to your myACS account. Scroll down to the Census Section. Select Search Cage Cards. You can search by Cage Card Number, Cage Card Request or Order Number.

I noticed that our myACS census shows more cages than we actually have in the room. Whom do I contact about this?

Report any discrepancies in your census to the ACS Front Office.

I’m filling out a Cage Card Request (CCR). Do I need to write in the quantity of mice/rats in the cage?

Yes, otherwise the card is created with the default of 5 mice or 2 rats per cage.

I’m filling out a Cage Card Request (CCR). When do I select Separating?

When the mice/or rat had already been weaned from the mom and/or deducted from the protocol, you select separating. You can only separate using a CCR when staying on the same protocol. If they are going to a new protocol a Transfer of Animal Ownership for Non-USDA Regulated Species will need to submitted/approved.

I’m filling out a Cage Card Request (CCR). When do I select Weaning?

When the mice and/or rat is being weaned from the mom; they are deducted from the protocol at this time.

Is there a place I can write in my notes on a specific cage card electronically?

Yes. Login to your myACS account. Scroll down to the Census section. You’ll need to find the specific card by clicking on the “number” link under Total Cages or “#” of Active Cages specific to a protocol, select the card, select Edit and then type in your notes. You’ll see these notes in the table specific to number of cages by protocol.

Why is it important to verify that cage cards have been checked out?

If a card stays in census, you’ll continue to be billed per diem. You don’t want to pay per diem on a cage that is no longer there.

I need to check out a cage card, but I don’t have the barcoded card yet.

You can either leave your “non-barcoded” card with “SAC and the date” written on it at the checkout station cage card box or contact the ACS Front Office with this information at or 352-273-9230. The card will then be checked out and backdated to the date written on the card. If no date is written, it will be checked out on the day the Front Office receives it.

Can I leave pups in the same cage as the mom or add them to an existing cage at weaning age?

Ideally, pups should be weaned out into their own cage, so they will be deducted from the protocol. If they have to stay with the mom or be added to an existing cage, we require you to write out a new CCR for the “new” quantity in the cage indicating the existing quantity as separating and the quantity of pups as weaning then checkout the existing card that had been the moms.

Facility Access

Someone has left our lab, and we need their facility access deactivated. How do we request this?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Facility Access Section, find the person on the list and select the “Request Deactivation” link under the termination date column. An email will be sent to the ACS Front Office.

We have a new lab member who is being added to our animal use protocol. What do they do to gain facility access?

Refer them to the Facility Access section of ACS website for a step by step to gaining access to ACS facilities. They will need to complete the requirements, and complete the Facility Access Request. Once they submit the Request the PI will be sent an email alert asking them to review/approve it.  Once the PI approves it, the ACS Front Office will verify that they have met the access requirements, and the person will be cleared for a facility tour. On the date/time the tour is given, access will be given.

I work for multiple PIs within the facility. Do I need to submit facility requests for each one?

Yes, you do. They will need to complete the requirements in the Facility Access section of ACS website, and complete the Facility Access Request.

I submitted a facility access request several weeks ago and haven’t heard anything. Who can I contact about this?

Please contact the ACS Front Office at or 352-273-9230.

My PI just got an email alerting them that someone has requested facility access? What do they do?

Please have them login to their myACS account and select Facility Access; click on the Request #; review the request and approve as applicable.


I have extra animals that I won’t be using. How can I find out if anyone else may be able to use them?

The ACS Front Office Staff can help with this. Please send an email to with the following information: Number available, Gender, Strain and cage card number. Let them know if these are naïve, and if not, what procedures have been done on the animals. They will try and find another investigator who can use them. If someone is found, they will let you know and submit a protocol transfer for you.

I need my animals to be housed in a different room and/or building. What do I do?

Submit an Animal Relocation Request form for ACS Veterinary review. Login to your myACS account. Go to the Forms sections, select View Forms, and select the link. Fill the form out and submit it. The form will be sent to the ACS Front Office and they will distribute for approval.

What is a Special Services Request?

A Special Service Request must be filled out when requesting supplies/services not covered in the per diem or technical/veterinary care support. Login to your myACS account. Go to the Forms section, select View Forms, select the “Special Services Request” link. Select either the Husbandry Special Service Request form link or the Technical/Veterinary Special Service Request form link.  Fill this out and submit it. The Husbandry Special Service Request Form will be sent to he ACS Front Office and they will distribute for approval. The Technical/Veterinary Special Service Request will be processed by the ACS Veterinary Technician staff.

Does ACS have policies on overcrowding of mice/rat cages and other things pertinent to working within the vivarium?

Yes. The UF Animal Care and Use program Policies, Procedures and Guidelines are found on the secure IACUC site. Links to these documents can be found on both the ACS and IACUC Site.

I cannot remember whether I submitted an Animal Relocation Request. How can I find out?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Forms tab, and select “Submitted Forms”. Here you will find all of your forms submitted and can check on the status.

I was told our housing room will now be locked. How do I obtain a key for this?

The ACS Front Office distributes keys for most of the facilities. Please contact them at or 352-273-9230 and they’ll let you know if they have the key in stock. You can then check the key out with them.

myACS Account Access

Someone has left our lab, and we need their myACS account access deactivated

Login to myACS, go to the Users tab, and find the person on the list, select Request Deactivation. An email will be sent to the ACS Front Office and they will deactivate access.

We have a new lab member who needs a myACS account. How do they get one setup?

If they do not have a previous myACS account, they can Request Access on the main ACS website. If they have already have a myACS account, they will need to contact the ACS Front Office at or 352-273-9230 and they can update their account.

Ordering Animals

I ordered animals, how do I know what’s going on with the order?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Order Animals section. View the Status Column or select the “order number” link to view the entire order details.  You may find more information under the Additional Information section.

How do I order animals for my protocol from an outside vendor?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Order Animals section. Select the “Place Order with External Vendor” link, and complete the form. On submission, you will be given an order number. If you go back to Order Animals, you will see all of your orders and the status.

How do I order my mice from my breeding colony at the CGBR?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Order Animals section. Select the Internal Vendor Orders (ACS Breeding) Section. Select the “Place Order from ACS Breeding” link, and complete the form. On submission, you will be given an order number. If you go back to the Order Animals, Internal Vendor Orders (ACS Breeding), you will see all of your orders and the status.

What is the Animal Ordering Deadline?

The ordering deadline for most of our rodent vendors is 12PM on Wednesday for the following week’s delivery. National Institute on Aging (NIA) has a 12PM on Tuesday deadline.

Where do I find out what the Animal Ordering fee is?

Login to your myACS account. Go to the Fees section, select Special Services, choose the “General” category and scroll down the alphabetized list.

I need animals for my animal use protocol. Can I order these from the vendor on my own?

No. All animals obtained for research use must be ordered through the ACS Front Office. You will be limited to ordering the amount authorized on your protocol. An ordering fee will be charged for each order processed. Please review the policy on Animal Ordering for additional information.


I have animals on one protocol, but they need to be used on a different one. What do I do?

Submit either a Transfer of Animal Ownership for Non-USDA or Transfer of Animal Ownership for USDA Regulated Species for ACS Veterinary review. Login to your myACS account. Go to the Forms Section, View Forms, select the link. Fill out the form and submit it.  The form will be sent to the ACS Front Office and they will distribute for approval.

My protocol has had a modification to increase animal numbers approved and this change doesn’t show up in myACS. Who do I contact?

Please contact the ACS Front Office Staff at or 352-273-9230 and they will adjust the protocol numbers in myACS.

My protocol just got approved and I don’t see it in myACS. How does it get added in?

Please contact the ACS Front Office Staff at or 352-273-9230 and they will enter the protocol into myACS

When do animals get deducted from the protocol?

At the time cage cards are made for new orders, weaning of rodents and protocol transfers.

Shipping Rodents

I need to send and/or receive mice to/from another University. How do I arrange this?

You will submit the Rodent Shipping Record to the ACS Import/Export Coordinator. Login to myACS. Go to the Forms, View Forms section and select the link. Fill this out, and submit it. The ACS Import/Export Coordinator will then contact you. More information about importing and exporting rodents can be found on the ACS website, under Services, Rodent Import/Export & Quarantine Services.

Is there a fee for sending and/or receiving rodents to/from another University?

Yes. Login to myACS. Go to Fees, Special Services, choose the “General” category and scroll down the alphabetized list to Rodent Import/Export/Quarantine. The fees listed do not include the transportation service fee. An estimate for this will be obtained once the date, locations are determined.


I have a vendor coming into the animal housing area to work on our equipment. Do I need this approved?

Yes, this will need to be approved by the ACS Director. Please return a completed Request for Contractors to Access Animal Facility request to the ACS Front Office at least 48 hours before the scheduled visit. Login to myACS, go to Forms, and select the link. Fill the form out, and either send it to the ACS Front Office at or bring it by their office.  They will forward for ACS Director review and contact you as soon as it is returned.

I have a visitor coming in to observe a procedure. Do I need this approved?

Yes, this will need to be approved by the ACS Director. Please return the completed Visitor to Observe Research Form to the ACS Front Office at least 48 hours before the scheduled visit.  Login to myACS, go to Forms, and select the link. Fill the form out, and either send it to the ACS Front Office at They will forward for ACS Director review and contact you as soon as it is returned.

A research staff member, who has access to one ACS facility, would like to observe me doing a procedure in a different ACS facility. Is a visitor request required?

No. Since they are enrolled in the Animal Contact Program and are familiar with ACS policies and procedures, they do not need to sign a visitor request. They will need to be escorted by you at all times, and can ONLY observe. As a courtesy, you can let the ACS Front Office know at or 352-273-9230. They can then alert the ACS facility staff, so they know you will be bringing someone in.